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SpicyJokes.com # 23384
Thanks to: William Bailey - USA.
rec.:8/5/2016    pub.:11/30/2017
Ranking: 4.00 / 3

Category: Women Jokes

A young woman marches into her doctors office and slams her prescription of birth control pills on his desk.

The doctor asks, "What's wrong?"

"These things don't work!" replied the lady.

"Why not?" asked the doctor.

"They keep falling out!"



SpicyJokes.com # 23381
Thanks to: Fran Lime - Australia
rec.:5/20/2016    pub.:11/30/2017
Ranking: 4.00 / 3

Category: Bar & Drinking Jokes

While waiting in line to pay for my groceries, a young woman behind me loudly stated, "I only had it once and that was on our honeymoon! Never again, it made my throat fizzy and felt real funny in my belly."

After a long pause she added, "No more sparkling wine for me, it's just whiskey from now on!"



SpicyJokes.com # 23383
Thanks to: Russ McDowell - Victoria - B C - Canada
rec.:7/30/2016    pub.:11/30/2017
Ranking: 4.00 / 3

Category: Sex Jokes

Lone Ranger was captured by Geronimo. He tied the Lone Ranger to a stake. Geronimo asks, "Kemosabe, you have last request? You want a cigarette maybe?"

Lone Ranger replies, "I just want to talk to my horse Silver."

"Strange request, Kemosabe, but okay." Silver comes up to the Lone Ranger, he whispers in his ear and Silver bolts off into the Sunset.

Three hours later, Silver returns with 3 naked women on his back. The Lone Ranger says, " Oh shit Silver, I said posse!"



SpicyJokes.com # 23375
Thanks to: Alfred A Arnold - Kincumber - NSW - Australia
rec.:2/12/2016    pub.:11/30/2017
Ranking: 4.00 / 3

Category: Body Parts

World War 2 prison camp. A male prisoner talking to female prisoner.

Male: "How long have you been here?"

Female: "Four years, and I miss having a man."

Male: "Wow I have been here 3 years without a woman. How about we somehow get together?"

Female: "I'd love to, but how do you get over this wire fence?"

Male: "I will trampoline over it!"

He does as he says and lands on his feet the other side. She is all excited but he is not at all happy.

Male: "I cant do it."

Female: "Why not?!?!"

Male: "Well, lady, that ain't my wash hanging on that wire there!"



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