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SpicyJokes.com # 3199
Thanks to: Anonymous
rec.:10/31/2001    pub.:11/6/2001    Sent:8/12/2014
Ranking: 3.45 / 241

Q. Why are men like money in the bank?

A. Because first they put it in, then they take it out, and then they loose interest


SpicyJokes.com # 4467
Thanks to: Erik - Albany - Or - USA.
rec.:12/24/2001    pub.:1/6/2002    Sent:5/26/2014
Ranking: 3.42 / 238

Q. What is it when a man talks nasty to a woman?
A. Sexual Harassment.
Q. What is it when a woman talks nasty to a man?
A. $3.99 a minute.


SpicyJokes.com # 2499
Thanks to: lenny mohr - neapolis - ohio - USA.
rec.:10/11/2001    pub.:10/13/2001    Sent:4/30/2014
Ranking: 3.48 / 218

A man enters a bar and orders a double whiskey on the rocks. The bartender asks him what is wrong? The man replies that he just found out his son are homosexual. The next day the man returns to the bar and orders a double whiskey on the rocks again. The bartender again asks him what is wrong? The man replies that he found out that his other son is also a homosexual. The bartender asks him if anyone in his family likes pussy? The man replies "yes, my two daughters."


SpicyJokes.com # 4630
Thanks to: Dan Webster - ottawa - ontario - Canada
rec.:12/29/2001    pub.:11/5/2002
Ranking: 3.85 / 68

Two men are talking one man says to the other what exactly is a Freudian slip. The first guy replies it’s when you mean to say one thing but you actually slip up and say something else. Like the other day for example, there was this big breasted women working the ticket counter at the airport and what I meant to say was can I have two tickets to Pittsburgh and what I actually said was can I have two tickets to titsburgh. The second guy sais I think I understand what you mean the other day I think I had one I was sitting with my wife at breakfast and what I meant to say was hey babe can you please pass the milk and what I actually said was Fuck Bitch You ruined my life.


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