What is the truest definition of Globalization?
Princess Diana's death..
How come?
An English Princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French Tunnel, who were traveling in a German car with a Dutch Engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whiskey, followed closely by Italian paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles, treated by American doctor, using Brazilian medicines!
And this is sent to you by an Indian friend, using Bill Gate's technology and you are probably reading this on one of the IBM clones that use Taiwanese-made chips, and a Korean-made monitor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by trucks driven by Philippines, hijacked by Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen, trucked by Mexican illegal and finally sold to you by Jews.
You know you're watching too much CNN when....
1) You do the Kama Sutra with Paula Zahn before she cuts to the first
2) You decide that if Wolf Blitzer says "Baaagdad" one more time, you'll throw
the remote through the screen...
3) You call your token gay friend and ask if Aaron Brown's a member of the
4) You'd rather see Special Forces carrying Geraldo away on a stretcher than
that 19 year old girl...
5) You want to drink tequila with Daryn Kagan, and then take her to a tattoo parlor
for His and Hers tats in private places...
6) You secretly hope that Iraqi small arms fire puts a slug in Walt "With the
7th Cavalry" Rodger's ass and it becomes "embedded"...
7) You realize that Iraqi civilians and your teenage kids wear the same
8) You wonder if you'll look more like Wes Clark or Tommy Franks when you get
9) You wonder if that NY Times war expert has taken a dump since the war
10) You realize what happened to the Crypt Keeper when Rumsfeld gives his daily
11) You automatically take a gas mask into the bathroom with you.