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Site Search WebSearch
SpicyJokes.com # 20300
Thanks to: JWD - USA.
rec.:1/3/2006    pub.:1/17/2006    Sent:6/8/2006
Ranking: 4.70 / 30

"Husband Super Store"

Recently a "Husband Super Store" opened where women could go to choose a husband from among many men. It was laid out over five floors, with the men increasing in positive attributes as you ascended.

The only rule was, once you opened the door to any floor, you HAD to choose a man from that floor; if you went up a floor, you couldn't go back down except to leave the place, never to return.

A couple of girlfriends went to the shopping center to find some husbands...

First floor
The door had a sign saying, "These men have jobs and love kids."
The women read the sign and said, "Well, that's better than not having a job or not loving kids, but I wonder what's further up?" So up they went.

Second floor
The sign read, "These men have high paying jobs, love kids, and are extremely good looking." "Hmmm," said the ladies, "But I wonder what's further up?"

Third floor
This sign read, "These men have high paying jobs, are extremely good looking, love kids and help with the housework." "Wow," said the women, "Very tempting." But there was another floor so further up they went.

Fourth floor
This door had a sign saying "These men have high paying jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking, help with the housework and have a strong romantic streak." "Oh, mercy me," they cried, "Just think what must be awaiting us further on!"

So up to the fifth floor they went.

Fifth floor
The sign on that door said, "This floor is empty and exists only to prove that women are f**king impossible to please. The exit is to your left; we hope you fall down the stairs. "


SpicyJokes.com # 3484
Thanks to: Alicia - USA.
rec.:11/8/2001    pub.:12/17/2001
Ranking: 3.60 / 73

Q: What do dildos and tofu have in common?
A: They are both meat substitutes


SpicyJokes.com # 11703
Thanks to: Kristin - USA.
rec.:1/2/2003    pub.:5/29/2003
Ranking: 3.94 / 36

There are three reasons why women are incredible:
1. They can make milk without using butter
2. They bleed without even cutting themselves
3. They can burry a bone without digging a hole


SpicyJokes.com # 14457
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:7/2/2003    pub.:7/2/2003    Sent:7/21/2003
Ranking: 3.65 / 43

Attending the funeral of an actress who had been married ten times, a friend sobbed to the priest, “Well … at least they’re together at last.”
The clergyman looked around. “Which of her husbands is buried here?”
“None,” said the friend. “ I meant, her legs.”


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Date created May-17-2001