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SpicyJokes.com # 20616
Thanks to: Charlie Angell - Babbitt - Minn. - USA.
rec.:4/11/2006    pub.:4/11/2006    Sent:12/23/2006
Ranking: 3.20 / 5

Two guys are sitting in a bar having a beer, one was an older gent and the other a younger biker. After a few beers the biker asked the old boy, Hey Pops? Is it true when ya get old and are taking a bath your nuts float? The Old man replied,” Only when they’re empty Sonny.” The barmaid only a few steps away overheard the conversation and curiously asked the Old Gent! "Well sir, you seem to know your stuff so tell me! How can you tell when a woman is getting Old??? Oh, he laughed, That’s easy, when they’re lying on they’re back you can’t see their armpits. Huh, she says and why is that? Because her tits are lying in there!!!!!!!!!


SpicyJokes.com # 20897
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:7/7/2006    pub.:7/7/2006    Sent:12/10/2006
Ranking: 4.67 / 3

It has recently been brought to our attention that a definite parallel exists between a Martini and woman’s breasts. One is not enough, and three are too many.


SpicyJokes.com # 22394
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:10/27/2009    pub.:10/27/2009    Sent:4/26/2011
Ranking: 4.67 / 3

How are tornadoes and marriage alike?
They both begin with a lot of sucking and blowing, and in the end you lose your house.


SpicyJokes.com # 22060
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:10/24/2008    pub.:10/24/2008    Sent:8/22/2009
Ranking: 3.00 / 5

Bill asks: why was booze invented?
Ted says: So ugly people can get laid, too.


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