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SpicyJokes.com # 21812
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:1/24/2008    pub.:1/24/2008    Sent:3/11/2008
Ranking: 2.67 / 6

A man and a woman are about to make love for the first time. As the man takes off his pants the woman looks down and sees that he has five penises. “That is amazing,” she says. “Yeah,” says the man “I’ve” had them all my life.” “Tell me,” says the woman, “how do you wear underwear?” “It fits,” says the man, “like a glove.”


SpicyJokes.com # 20484
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:2/28/2006    pub.:2/28/2006    Sent:8/11/2006
Ranking: 2.25 / 4

Alphonse: “My wife and I argue a lot. She’s very touchy – the least little thing set her off.”
John: “You are really lucky. Mine is a self-starter.”


SpicyJokes.com # 22607
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:6/1/2010    pub.:6/1/2010    Sent:2/22/2011
Ranking: 4.00 / 2

Two buddies are sharing drinks while discussing their wives. “Does your wife ever do it doggy style?” asked one of the guys. “Not exactly,” his friend replies. “She’s more into being a trick dog.” “Oh, I see. Kinky stuff, huh?”
“Well, not exactly. Whenever I make a move, she rolls over and plays dead.”


SpicyJokes.com # 21585
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:7/31/2007    pub.:7/31/2007
Ranking: 3.50 / 2

Two friends are standing at a whorehouse door. The first one says, “I heard half these broads have the clap and all of ‘em are thieves.” The second friend says, “Not so loud, or they won’t let us in.”


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