yo mamma is so stupid.. She sits on the TV and watches the couch.
yo mamma is so stupid she tripped over a cordless telephone.
yo mamma is so ugly, she Trick-O-Treats over the telephone.
yo mamma is so fat, when she wares a red sweater everyone yells "Kool-Aid"
yo mamma is so fat, when she plays hop-scotch she says " LA, Chicago, New York"
Yo momma so stupid she peels M&M's to make chocolate chip cookies.
Yo momma's so fat she looks like she’s smuggling a Volkswagen
yo mamma's so ugly when she worked in the bakery they dipped her face in the batter to make animal cookies.
yo mamma's so ugly she went to a haunted house and came out with a job application.
yo mamma’s so poor a burglar broke in to her house and left her money.
yo mamma's so old I took her to go see Jurassic park.