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SpicyJokes.com # 2048
Thanks to: stewart - Cambridge - Cambridgeshire - United Kingdom
rec.:9/28/2001    pub.:9/28/2001
Ranking: 2.58 / 36

Q. What do you call a brunette in the middle of two blondes??
A. Translator


SpicyJokes.com # 15711
Thanks to: Anonymous - Graham - Washington - United States Minor Outlying Islands
rec.:11/17/2003    pub.:1/20/2004    Sent:4/6/2004
Ranking: 3.17 / 18

Q: What do you have when three BLONDES go into a freezer?
A: Three frosted flakes.


SpicyJokes.com # 14311
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:6/20/2003    pub.:6/20/2003
Ranking: 2.00 / 93

A Blonde lady has a traffic accident and decided to take the case to court. She said your honor, the accident happened on the freeway at exit# 99. The judge said, Miss just where is exit # 99. She said your honor it's between exit# 98 and 100.


SpicyJokes.com # 19342
Thanks to: Jake - Santiago - Chile
rec.:4/28/2005    pub.:5/11/2005    Sent:6/18/2005
Ranking: 3.33 / 15

A blonde decides to make an experiment. She gets a spider, and pulls of two legs and tells it to walk. It walks a few steps, so she removes another two legs and asks it to walk. It walks a few more steps, so she yanks off another two legs and tells it to walk. It walks, so she removes the last two legs and tells it to walk. Nothing happens, so she asks it again to walk. It doesn't move so she comes up with a conclusion. Spiders with no legs are deaf.


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Date created May-17-2001