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SpicyJokes.com # 140
Thanks to: Fredy Lillard - USA.
rec.:5/28/2001    pub.:5/28/2001
Ranking: 1.85 / 40

Salman was out looking for a shareef and sincere woman to marry. He found Salma not knowing that she had been a whore and a stripper.
Salman too wanted a settled life now and did not want to know about her past. So, before they started in the bed on their suhaag Raat, Salma kept on trying to make salman believe that she is a real shareef woman and she is still a virgin. Semmingly interested in the bed-session, he pulled her out to the bed and started over. When they were over, Salma asked him, it makes sense that I was screaming while you were doing it to me as I was a virgin and I was screwed for the first time in my life. But what on this earth were you screaming for,
Salman goes, I was screaming because along my pole, my balls were also going in there !!!


SpicyJokes.com # 21772
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:12/23/2007    pub.:12/23/2007    Sent:5/30/2008
Ranking: 4.20 / 5

Joe pilled up a stool in his favorite bar and announced, “My wife, Lorry, must love me more than any woman has ever loved any man!”
“What makes you say that?” The bartender asked.
“Last week, Joe explained, “I had to take a couple of day from work. Lorry was so happy to have me around that every time the milkman and the mailman came by, she’d run down the driveway, waving her arms and hollering, “My old man’s home! My old man’s home!”


SpicyJokes.com # 20319
Thanks to: Anonymous
rec.:1/11/2006    pub.:1/17/2006    Sent:12/12/2007
Ranking: 4.20 / 5

A man told his wife that he had appointed a new secretary to help him in his business. The wife asks, "Is she blonde, brunette, or red hair.” He replied, "He is bald".


SpicyJokes.com # 23045
Thanks to: Anonymous
rec.:8/1/2013    pub.:11/15/2013    Sent:7/1/2014
Ranking: 4.20 / 5

A couple driving on a countryside road were in the midst of a fight. While driving, they came across a farm with some pigs. The husband points to one of the pigs and asks the woman, 'Your relatives?' The wife says, 'Yes, my in-laws.'


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Date created May-17-2001