There are these two idiots walking down the street. One says,"Hey, what is that brown gooey stuff on the ground?" the other idiot says, "It looks like poop!" The first idiot says, " smells like poop, feels like poop," and the second one says, tastes like poop, IT IS POOP!!" good thing we didn't step in it.
The queen is visiting one of Australia’s top hospitals and during the tour of the floors she passed a room where a male patient was masturbating. 'Oh God,' said the queen. ‘That’s disgraceful' what is the meaning of this???
A man is showing off his brand new rifle to his best friend. He is so proud of the fact that this rifle is the latest model equipped with high power sight. “Just look through that sight,” he tells his buddy. “Here, scan those roof tops.” His buddy looks through the sight, and suddenly he lowers the rifle. “Oh, no!” he says. “What?” asks his friend.
A drunk man was walking down the street and was holding a key, a policeman stopped him, and the drunk said; “they stole my car it was just on the end of my key”. The policeman said; ‘more importantly did you know your penis is hanging out”, the staggering drunk said, “well, dam they stole my girlfriend to”.
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Date created May-17-2001