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SpicyJokes.com # 22592
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:5/20/2010    pub.:5/20/2010    Sent:6/19/2010
Ranking: 4.00 / 1

“I sent my son to college to get an education,” complained Joseph to Allan, “but all he seems to do is shack up with girls, smoke pot, and have a good time.”
“Most college students do that today,” replied Allan. “That’s the trouble,” snapped Joseph. “I should have kept him home and gone to college myself.”


SpicyJokes.com # 22828
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:6/29/2011    pub.:6/29/2011    Sent:2/1/2012
Ranking: 5.00 / 1

A suspected foreign man arrives at Kennedy airport and is going through customs. He becomes extremely irate when the customs inspector insists on searching his bags. He screams at the inspector, “New York is the asshole of the world!”
“And I take it,” replies the inspector, “That you are just passing through.”


SpicyJokes.com # 22508
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:3/11/2010    pub.:3/11/2010    Sent:8/17/2010
Ranking: 5.00 / 1

“Do you smoke after sex?” the man asked.
“I really don’t know,” the woman replied.
“I’ve never checked.”


SpicyJokes.com # 22836
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:6/29/2011    pub.:6/29/2011    Sent:1/8/2012
Ranking: 5.00 / 1

A guy walks out of a house of ill repute and sits down on a park bench, deep in thought. “Man!” o ‘Man!” He says to himself. “What a business! You’ve got it. You sell it. And you’ve still got it!”


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