Q: What would we be called if we killed all the Taliban?
One day a fly was flying 10 inches above the water. The bass says if that fly drops 4 more inches I'm going to have me some lunch. A bear was on the hill, the bear says to himself, " If that fly drops 4 more inches and that bass jumps out to eat that fly then I'm going to have me some lunch. A hunter was on the hill, the hunter is thinking, " If that fly drops 4 more inches and that bass jumps out of the water and that bear swats that bass - I'm going to shoot that bear and have me a trophy. A mouse watching from the hill says, " If that fly drops 4 inches and that bass jumps out of the water and that bear swats that bass and the hunter shoots the bear - I'm going to run over and take a bite out of the hunters' sandwich. A cat on the same hill says, " If that fly drops 4 inches and that bass jumps out of the water and that bear swats that bass and the hunter shoots that bear and the mouse runs over for the sandwich then I'm going to have me some lunch. About that time the fly dropped 4 inches - the bass jumped up and swallowed the fly the bear ran down the hill and swatted the bass the hunter shot the bear and the mouse ran over to eat the sandwich. The cat seeing this was about to pounce the mouse when a huge dog came from nowhere and tore the cat to pieces. AND THE MORALE OF THIS STORY IS - EVERYTIME A FLY DROPS 4 INCHES A PUSSY GET'S SCREWED.
A young man goes into a drug store to buy condoms. The pharmacist says the condoms come in packs of 3, 9 or 12 and asks which the young man wants.
A doctor was having an affair with his nurse. Shortly afterward, she told him she was pregnant. Not wanting his wife to know, he gave the nurse a sum of money and asked her to go to Italy and have the baby there.
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Date created May-17-2001