After returning home from an examination, the young woman phoned her gynecology’s and asked. “Doctor, would you see if by chance I left my panties in your office?” He looked in the examining room, returned to the phone, and told her, “I’m afraid they are not here.” “Sorry to trouble you, doctor,” she said. “I’ll try my dentist.”
A man decides that he is a racehorse, so his wife puts him in the nuthouse. A few weeks late the doctor at the asylum calls the wife and tells her to come get her husband. She sys, ‘Is he cured. The doctor says, “No, but he broke his leg today on the fifth race, so he is putting himself out to stud.”
At her appointment with the psychiatrist a young woman pleads. ‘Doctor, you must help me.’ It’s gotten so that every time I date a nice guy, I end up in bed with him. And then afterwards, I feel guilty and depressed for a week.’ “I see,’ nods the doctor. ‘And you no doubt, want me to strengthen your will power and resolve in this matter.’ ‘No, No!’ Exclaims the young woman. ‘I want you to fix it so I won’t feel guilty and depressed afterwards.’
A woman goes to her doctor complaining that she is exhausted all the time. After the diagnostic tests show nothing, the doctor gets around to asking her how often she has intercourse. ‘Every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday,’ she says. The doctor advises her to cut out Wednesday. ‘I can’t,’ says the woman. ‘That’s the only night I’m home with my husband!’
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Date created May-17-2001