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SpicyJokes.com # 21967
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:6/17/2008    pub.:6/17/2008    Sent:12/30/2009
Ranking: 1.75 / 4

A farmer goes in half with a friend to buy a bull so he can increase his stock. A couple of weeks later the friend comes by to see how his investment is doing. The farmer complains that the bull just east grass and won’t look at the cows. His friend suggests that a veterinarian have a look at the bull. The following week his friend returns to see if the vet helped. The farmer looks delighted: “The bull has taken care of all my cows, broke through the fence, and has even serviced all my neighbor’s cows! “Wow,” says his friend, “what did the vet do to that bull?” “Just gave him some pills’” said the farmer. “What kind of pills?” asked his friend. “I don’t know, but they sort of taste like peppermint.”


SpicyJokes.com # 22741
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:3/31/2011    pub.:3/31/2011    Sent:4/18/2011
Ranking: 4.00 / 1

A salesman is talking to a farmer when he looks over and sees a rooster wearing pants, a shirt, and suspenders. He says, ‘What on earth is that all about?’ The farmer says, ‘We had a fire in the chicken coop a while back and all his feathers got singed off, so the wife made him some clothes to keep him warm.’ ‘OK, but that was a while back. Why does he still wear them?’ The farmer replies, ‘There ain’t nothing funnier than watching him trying to hold down a hen with one foot and get his pants down with the other.’


SpicyJokes.com # 23328
Thanks to: Anonymous - USA.
rec.:1/11/2016    pub.:1/11/2016
Ranking: 4.00 / 1

A city slicker was walking down a country road when he saw a farmer plowing his field with a bull. “Shouldn’t you be using a tractor or a horse?” the slicker asked. “I got both,” the farmer said. “Then why are you using that bull?”
I’m trying to teach him that he ain’t here just for romance.”


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