[17] Mathematicians
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An astronomer, a physicist and a mathematician (it is said) were holidaying in Scotland. Glancing from a train window, they observed a black sheep in the middle of a field.
"How interesting," observed the astronomer, "all scottish sheep are black!"
To which the physicist responded, "No, no! Some Scottish sheep are black!"
The mathematician gazed heavenward in supplication, and then intoned, "In Scotland there exists at least one field, containing at least one sheep, at least one side of which is black."
PI R Squared,... PI R Squared,... I never did understand that.
Where I come from PI are Round,... Cornbread R Squared!!
There are three kinds of mathematicians: those who can count and those who can't.
There are two groups of people in the world; those who believe that the world can be
divided into two groups of people,and those who don't.
There are two groups of people in the world: Those who can be categorized into one of two
groups of people, and those who can't.
“Have you ever noticed,” the NASA mathematician asked a colleague, “that government is the only place where problems are multiplied by divisions?’