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Site Search WebSearch
SpicyJokes.com # 20374
Thanks to: Anonymous
rec.:1/27/2006    pub.:1/27/2006    Sent:6/6/2006
Ranking: 3.40 / 10

A blonde goes into a laundry mat and asks to have her sweater cleaned. The Laundromat attendant doesn't hear her correctly and says, "Come again?" The blonde blushes slightly and giggles, "oh, no it's just mustard this time."


SpicyJokes.com # 2426
Thanks to: Colin M - Livonia - Michigan - USA.
rec.:10/9/2001    pub.:10/13/2001
Ranking: 2.16 / 37

Q: How do you know when a blode is done eating?

A: When there is a belt buckle on her forehead


SpicyJokes.com # 17659
Thanks to: derek - machias - maine - USA.
rec.:6/21/2004    pub.:6/22/2004    Sent:8/22/2005
Ranking: 2.81 / 16

Q: What’s worse than two blondes building a house under water?
A: One blonde trying to burn it down.


SpicyJokes.com # 4754
Thanks to: Anonymous
rec.:1/3/2002    pub.:11/5/2002
Ranking: 2.63 / 19

A blonde walks in to her work and tells her boss "TGIF" and her boss said, "SHIT". The blonde repeated her self and so did her boss. Then finally the blonde said I don't think you quite understand. Then she said "Thank God Its Friday" Then her boss said no I don't think you quite understand and he replied "Sorry Honey Its Thursday"


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