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SpicyJokes.com # 1758
Thanks to: Melissa - hhfghghgh - fghfgh - Cameroon
rec.:9/18/2001    pub.:9/23/2001    Sent:9/17/2014
Ranking: 2.96 / 83

Q. What is the speed limit for sex?
A. 68, at 69 you have to turn around!


SpicyJokes.com # 2959
Thanks to: Billy - USA.
rec.:10/24/2001    pub.:10/31/2001    Sent:4/9/2014
Ranking: 2.76 / 115

Q:What did the penis say to the condom?
A:Cover me I'm goin in!!!


SpicyJokes.com # 3245
Thanks to: undetermined - Lebanon
rec.:11/2/2001    pub.:11/4/2002    Sent:7/25/2015
Ranking: 3.62 / 37

Before going to war, in the kingdom of Camelot the King had his Queen wear a chastity belt in order to keep her faithful. Upon his return, he asked all his men to drop their pants. To his surprise all but one had their penis cut off showing their betrayal. To the intact one he said: “for your loyalty I will cover you with gold.”
“Thanklou thir,” the man replied.


SpicyJokes.com # 3765
Thanks to: anonomus - houston - texas - American Samoa
rec.:11/17/2001    pub.:11/4/2002    Sent:5/8/2014
Ranking: 3.56 / 39

A man has a small dick and is embarrassed to tell his girlfriend so he says to her "Let’s play a game", "you take off your clothes shut your eyes and let me feel a body part and guess which part it is " she said "ok" so they went in to the bedroom She took her top off and let her boyfriend feel her breast. He guessed the right part and said; "all right my turn" close your eyes. He takes his pants off and puts his dick in her hand and she says jerking her hand away "man, you know I don't smoke"


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Date created May-17-2001